Subsections of Amenra
Thurifer, et Clamor ad Te Veniat — Mass IIII — Amenra


  • Title: Thurifer, et Clamor ad Te Veniat
  • Album: Mass IIII
  • Duration: 6:43
  • Release: May, 2008

You can listen to the song here

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The scent.
The smell of my burning flesh.
I'm sent.
I am your burning flesh.
Flames burn bones to cinder.
I want to see you burn.
I want your ashes to bury the streets.
I want to see you burn.
I want your ashes to fall at my feet.
One fine day.
You will feel my warmth.
You will breathe my smoke.
I am mounting up to you.
As prayer.
For I am the sacrifice.
I am the carrier.
And I will wash my face in the flames.
Now hidden.
Burn away.
Cleansing is near.
I would burn alive for you.